Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Planning for Crafting

I’m a very organized person, which might surprise some. I like for everything to have a place, AND be in its place. The Metal Man isn’t exactly the same. He likes to FEEL inspired and DISCOVER stuff. This means loosing it under the pile of other things he’s working on and uncovering it later. Eh. We’re different, but we manage to share a work space pretty well.

But it’s time for him to change a bit. I’m learning to let go a little bit and he is having to get organized (a little). We’ve been working on applications and arranging shows, which means we have to keep a calendar and he has to actually understand how much inventory we need on what dates. We’ve also been working on said inventory, which means he has to actually decide which pieces are complete, get them photographed, get them named, report in with his material costs, turn in receipts, AND tag them for sale. You’d think he’d moved mountains, I tell ya! But he’s actually doing pretty well with it, so I can’t complain.

My part of it is maintaining said inventory, doing the cropping and such to said photos, listing said items in our store, maintaining business contacts (phone, email, etc.), completing said show applications, filling said calendar, and keeping the financials. And after all of that, I’ve still got to craft. So I’m trying to find a way to arrange it all. Any advice? Any suggestions? I’m thinking I really need a schedule of when I have to do the WORK side of the business and then leave all the rest of the time for creating. But how often SHOULD a business person check their email? How often SHOULD I be updating my inventory lists? I don’t want to let it go too long, but then I don’t want to waste time pulling it out every five minutes, either. HELP!!!

I’ll leave you today with a shot of another new item that hasn’t hit my Etsy shop yet. It’s a felt crap catcher bowl with lovely embroidery. What’cha think?


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